Hugo Sarmento1, Antonino Pereira2, Maria T. Anguera3, Jorge Campaniço4, José Leitão4
1Department of Sport Sciences and Motricity, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Viseu, Portugal
2Department of Sport Sciences and Motricity, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Viseu, Portugal
3Department of Methodology of the Behavioral Sciences, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
4Department of Sport Sciences, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
The Coaching Process in Football – A qualitative perspective
Trenažni proces u fudbalu – kvalitativna perspektiva
Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2014, 3(1), 9-16
This study aims to understand what the coaches observe in the game, and how they evaluate and make their intervention based on this observation. The participants were 8 experienced First Portuguese League coaches. Semi-structured interviews were carried out and the data were analysed through the technique of content analysis. The software QSR NVivo 9 was used in coding the transcripts of the interviews. According to these coaches to effectively observe and analyze the game it is crucial to have a detailed knowledge of the game and of the individual characteristics of players. They consider that the most important aspects to observe in the game are: i) the 4 moments of the game; ii) set pieces; iv) individual characteristics of players; v) random aspects of the game. Coaches have the perception that over the years their observation has become more effective and they value different aspects in the game. They consider that the factors responsible for the evolution of their observations are: i) the accumulated experience; ii) a better knowledge of the game; iii) the academic formation. These coaches evaluate the teams in a general way focusing mainly on strengths and weaknesses and they follow a specific logic of prioritization for the evaluation of these aspects that is based mainly, in their model of the game. The intervention is done mainly through the adaptation of the training exercises, but also through visual strategies (movies, photos, etc.) and meetings (individual, by sector or in group). Soccer, Match analysis, Tactic, Coach Ova studija je imala za cilj da otkrije šta je to što treneri posmatraju tokom igre, kako oni ocjenjuju zapažanja i kako intervenišu na osnovu svojih zapažanja. U studiji je učestvovalo osam iskusnih fudbalskih trenera iz prve portugalske lige. Polu-strukturisani intervjui su primijenjeni i podaci su analizirani tehnikom analize sadržaja. Korišćen je softver QSR NVivo 9 sa ciljem da se kodiraju transkripti intervjua. Ono što su ispitanici istakli kao je od ključnog značaja da treneri efikasno posmatraju i analiziraju igru, te da imaju detaljno poznaju fudbalsku igru i individualne karakteristike svojih igrača. Takođe, oni ističu da su najvažniji aspekti posmatranja igre sljedeći parametri: 1) određeni trenuci igre; 2) prekidi; 3) individualne karakteristike igrača; i 4) slučajni aspekti igre. Odabrani treneri za ovo istraživanje, takođe vjeruju da su tokom godina postali efikasniji i da sada vrednuju različite aspekte u igri, dok ističu sljedeće faktori koji su odgovorni za njihovu evoluciju: 1) akumulirano iskustvo; 2) bolje poznavanje igre; 3) akademsko formiranje. Oni procjenjuju svoje timove tako što se uglavnom fokusiraju na njihove prednosti i slabosti, a primjenjuju određenu logiku prioriteta za procjenu ovih aspekata koji se zasnivaju uglavnom već određenim modelima igre. Intervencija se vrši uglavnom preko adaptacije trenažnog procesa, ali i kroz vizuelne strategije (filmovi, fotografije, itd.) i sastanaka (pojedinačnih, sektorskih ili grupnih). Fudbal, analiza mečeva, taktika, trener
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