Sveinn Þorgeirsson1,2, Miguel Pic3, Demetrio Lozano4, Olafur Sigurgeirsson5, Damir Sekulic2, Jose M. Saavedra1

1Physical Activity, Physical Education, Sport and Health Research Centre, Sports Science Department, School of Social Sciences, Reykjavik University, Reykjavik, Iceland
2Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Split, Croatia
3Institute of Sport, Tourism, and Service, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia; Motor Action Research Group (GIAM)
4Health Sciences Faculty, VALORA Research Group, Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain
5HBStatz Company, Reykjavik, Iceland

The Difference Between Winners and Losers in Balanced Handball Games in the Final 10 Minutes

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2022, 11(2), 37-43 | DOI:


The objectives of this study are to analyze handball game-related statistics in balanced games (0-2 goal dif- ference at minute 50) in the final 10 minutes regarding the final outcome of winning or losing. i) Analyse statistical differences between winners and losers in male and female top Icelandic handball leagues and ii) calculate a discriminating model for performance variables for both male and female top Icelandic handball leagues. The game-related statistics from the final 10 minutes of 127 games from two seasons (85 male and 42 female) with a goal difference of two or fewer at minute 50 were analyzed. The internal consistency and reliability ranged from good to excellent for the games of both sexes. Differences between winning or losing for each sex were determined using the unpaired t-test or Mann-Whitney U test, and Cohens d for effect sizes was calculated. The results for males include four variables with large effect sizes and six with significant dif- ferences. The discriminatory model selected technical fouls and goalkeeper blocked shots from 9 m to classify 40.4% correctly (Wilks’ lambda 0.005, and canonical correlation of 0.997). For females, findings align with pre- vious research underscoring the importance of 9 m shots at goal at this level. However, they differ somewhat from full game statistics at the elite level with no difference in red cards and 7 m shots. Coaches should pay particular attention in tactical preparation to shots outside 9 m – both offensively and defensively in balanced games in the final 10 minutes.


Performance, notational analysis, discriminatory analysis, league, amateu

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