Kristína Němá1, Tomáš Kozák2, Patrik Berta3, Patrik Bereš4

1University of Presov, Faculty of Sports, Department of Educology of Sports, Presov, Slovakia
2University of Presov, Faculty of Sports, Department of Sports Kinanthropology, Presov, Slovakia
3Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice, Institute of Physical Education and Sport, Kosice, Slovakia
4University of Presov, Faculty of Sports, Presov, Slovakia

Intersexual Differences and Relationship of Specific and General Muscle Strength of Young Sports Climbers

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2025, 14(1), Ahead of Print | DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.250301


Climbers benefit from a combination of general and specific strengths, which are tailored to meet the demands of climbing. The aim of the study is to assess the intersexual differences of general and specific muscle strength and the gender-specific relations between specific and general muscle strength of youth boulderers. The research sample consisted of 26 young climbers divided into two groups according to gender. To assess general muscle strength climbers performed hand dynamometry, bent- arm hang and hang on bar. From the viewpoint of assessing specific muscle strength, testing included maximal flexor-finger strength test, bent-arm hang on hangboard, finger hang test. The intersexual differences were evaluated by Mann-Whitney U test, while the relationships between general and specific muscle strength were evaluated by Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The correlation analysis of boys muscle strength showed statistically significant relationship between the relative strength of the hand grip and maximum finger strength (p<0.05; r =0.58) and also strength endurance of back and forearm muscles (p<0.01; r =0.73). Statistically significant relationship between general and specific strength endurance of back and forearm muscles was proven for girls muscle strength (p<0.01; r =0.87). The findings suggest that appropriate assessment of specific and general muscle strength could serve as a tool for sport-specific selection.


climbing, sport-specific tests, young athletes, strength parameters

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