Eduardo J. Dallegrave1, Mariana K. Beirith1, William N. Salles2, Juarez V. do Nascimento2, Alexandra Folle1

1State University of Santa Catarina, Physical Education Department, Florianópolis, Brazil
2Federal University of Santa Catarina, Physical Education Department, Florianópolis, Brazil

Analysis of Tactical-Technical Attack Performance Factors: A Case Study of a Professional Women's Handball Team

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2024, 13(2), 79-84 | DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.240910


Game analysis based on tactical-technical sports performance provides important information for coaches to periodize and evaluate team processes more accurately. The aim of this study was to analyze the probabilities of success in offensive situations by a Brazilian professional women’s handball team. The method used was a quantitative, descriptive and case study approach, which was a professional women’s handball team with national and international achievements. Data collection was based on the Handball Observation System, which allowed a total of 726 game actions to be evaluated from the two target competitions (world and national), 143 for the Women’s Super Globe and 583 for the national handball league. The data was analyzed using the Lince program, which helps with video analysis (games from different sports), optimizing data verification, and the SPSS 23.0 software, using multinomial regression. The results showed that the team had 10.538 more probabilities of scoring when using basic tactical means, compared to 1-on-1 actions (CR = 1.061) and complex tactical means (CR = 1). The offensive organization showed greater probabilities (OR = 1.668) of scoring with the full team, in attacks from the central area of the court of less than 9 meters (OR = 1.917) and with shots between 21 and 40 minutes (OR = 1.393). There were also 7.968 more chances for the opposing goalkeeper to make a save when the team attacked with basic tactical means and 2.562 more chances for him to save the shot between 21 and 40 minutes.


performance analysis, handball, sport

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