Nenad Nedović1, Stevan Jovanović1, Žiga Kozinc2, Danilo Vujičić1

1Academy of Applied Studies Belgrade, College of Health Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
2University of Primorska, Faculty of Health Sciences, Izola, Slovenia

Agreement in Knee Flexion and Hip Extension Range of Motion Assessment between Digital Goniometer and Video-based Motion Tracking Technology

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2024, 13(2), 65-69 | DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.240908


Precise range of motion (ROM) measurements are critical for diagnosing musculoskeletal impairments, planning treatment strategies and monitoring rehabilitation progress. This study compares the reliability and accuracy of ROM measurements using the EasyAngle electronic goniometer device and the Kemtai pose estimation video-based motion tracking software. Participants performed hip extension and knee flexion movements, with measurements taken by two examiners using both tools. The results show that both EasyAngle and Kemtai provide high inter-repetition reliability for knee flexion (ICC 0.93 and. 0.91) and hip extension (ICC 0.96 and 0.93). Kemtai generally overestimated ROM compared to EasyAngle, with relative agreement ranging from poor to good (ICC = 0.71 for knee flexion, ICC = 0.66 for hip extension). Future development and research should focus on refining digital tools like Kemtai to enhance their accuracy and reliability. Given its low cost and ease of use, Kemtai could be a useful tool for clinical practice.


pose estimation, flexibility, goniometry, reliability, application

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