Marco Petrucci1, Luca Petrigna2, Francesco Pomara2, Maria Cusmà Piccione2, Marianna Alesi2, Antonino Bianco2

1Medeor Research Institute, Palermo, Italy
2University of Palermo, Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, Palermo, Italy

Validation in Young Soccer Players of the Modified Version of the Harre Circuit Test: The Petrucci Ability Test

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2021, 10(1), 67-71 | DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.210310


The evaluation of soccer players’ physical fitness from youth onward is important for monitoring performance and planning training. While health-related factors present valid and reliable tests, the skill-related component should be studied in depth. An interesting test to evaluate the skill-related factors is the Harre circuit test (HTC); unfortunately, this test includes the somersault, an element not present in soccer. The aim of the present study is the validation of the Petrucci ability test (PAT), a variation of the HTC without the somersault for young soccer players. Children and adolescents (age range 10–13 years old) soccer players concluded the 20-m, the HTC and the PAT. To establish the validity of the PAT, correlation analysis has been performed, which presented a p < 0.0001 between PAT and HTC; p < 0.001 between PAT and a 20-m test; and p < 0.0001 between HTC and the 20-m test. The results suggest that the PAT can be a valid substitute for the evaluation of the skills-related components of young soccer players and, consequently, also of athletes and schoolchildren.


skill-related evaluation, youth, physical fitness, football, protocol

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