Jiyeon Kim1,2, Joungbo Ko2, Jongil Lim2, Hyejung Choi2, Kyoungho Seo2,3, Sukho Lee2

1University of Houston, Department of Health and Human Performance, Houston, TX, United States
2Texas A&M University-San Antonio, Department of Counseling, Health and Kinesiology, San Antonio, TX, United States
3Korea University, Department of Physical Education, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Effects of a Four-Week Core Stability Exercise on Functional Movement and Balance in People with Mild Lower-limb Discomfort

Monten. J. Sports Sci. Med. 2020, 9(2), 13-20 | DOI: 10.26773/mjssm.200903


This study aimed to investigate the effects of a short-term core stability exercise on functional movement and balance in people with mild lower-limb discomfort. Twenty people with mild lower-limb discomfort were randomly assigned to control (CG) and core stability exercise training groups (SG, n=10 each). The SG completed twenty 30-min training sessions consisting of Pilates exercises for four weeks. Functional movement, balance, and discomfort level were assessed before and after core stability exercise, using a functional movement test, balance test and visual analogue scale (VAS), respectively. A mixed ANOVA with repeated measures was performed to determine the differences. SG demonstrated a significant increase in hurdle step (p = 0.024, group × time effect) and shoulder mobility (p = 0.037, group × time effect). The dynamic balance scores were significantly increased from the baseline in both limbs (right, p = 0.007; left, p = 0.011, time effect). Post-hoc pairwise comparisons indicated these increases were significant only in SG. Additionally, ankle pain was significantly reduced in SG (p = 0.023, group × time effect). This study highlights that four weeks of core stability exercise can positively affect the lower limbs’ functional movement and balance in people with mild lower-limb discomfort.


core stability exercise, balance, functional movement

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